How it all started...
2 men in an old truck turned into 8 people in the basement of the Petersville Senior Center. Our Pastor, Roger Reed, taught a Sunday morning Word Class at a previous church. When that church closed its doors, Pastor Reed wasn't feeling released to any of the other local churches. The Lord was having him sit still and wait for his release to his next move. Meanwhile Jeff White, our Head Elder, was feeling that same pause from the Lord. These two men of God got together and prayed over what was to come. This lead to the Lord showing Pastor Reed his next move - to start a church. Pastor Reed and Jeff White decided to rent the basement of the local senior center, they were gifted a seed of $100; which just happen to be what the cost was to rent a Sunday morning. God knew the whole time. Isn't He good?! Services were held in the basement and "the original 8" as we now lovingly refer to them as, turned into 12, 18, 25, 30; with the new growth they knew they had to make a bigger move. Seeking the Lord, they prayed over where they would need to establish their growing church. Pastor Reed and Jeff looked at a few "promising" places, yet they managed to always fall through. Once again, the Lord knew why! As the men went to look at a property that was a closed down church - turn key - with everything ready to walk inside and a start a service, the Lord had previously spoken to Pastor Reed and said you will know the one when you see a brown crayon on the children's table. And wouldn't you know, as they walked upstairs looking at the children's area of the church, there was a brown crayon on the table. Not only did the Lord provide a building, He included the necessities with it. He knew everything that was needed, and the desires of their hearts. Their intent aligned with His desires and Word Fellowship/Without Walls Ministries was established at our "current home." When we listen to the Lord's still small voice, and obey to His commands - His paths for us... He blesses us with what we need for His plans for us!

Expanding the vision...
Our vision is to not only serve the family of God within the walls of Word Fellowship, but to serve the needs of the lost that are outside of our four walls. Helping bring them to Christ, by showing them His love and who He is and who they are in Him.
Where we are headed...
Long story short - wherever the Lord sends us, is where we are headed!
We are staying grounded in His foundational truths and teaching those within the walls... but we are always praying about where and what He wants us to do outside the four walls.
We are serving the communities, nursing homes, feeding the hungry, and doing what Jesus did!
We are staying grounded in His foundational truths and teaching those within the walls... but we are always praying about where and what He wants us to do outside the four walls.
We are serving the communities, nursing homes, feeding the hungry, and doing what Jesus did!

Be a part of our story...
Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship and hear the Word of God at 10am.